
Join WMLA and Become a Western Massachusetts Library Advocate Today!

Advocacy is not only an annual breakfast event; it is a year-round effort to inform and engage our library and legislative leaders on the need for adequate funding and services to the libraries in Berkshire, Franklin, Hampshire, and Hampden counties. Within the state budget there needs to be greater recognition that library funding is local aid. All changes in the MBLC budget lines are passed on to local libraries. This makes a difference in what our libraries are able to provide for their communities. Your membership in WMLA supports collaborative efforts and advocacy for increased state funding to libraries and strengthens our voice in statewide conversations about library needs and access to library services for all residents of the Commonwealth.

WMLA initiatives include:

  • Sponsoring legislative breakfasts throughout Western Massachusetts.
  • Chartering a bus to Boston for people to attend the MLA Legislative Day.
  • Distributing museum passes and coupons for summer reading program prizes statewide.
  • Hosting professional development and networking opportunities and advocacy education.
  • Providing support for libraries experiencing collection and funding challenges.

Keep in mind, an easy and effective way to support library advocacy is to ask your Friends group to become members. We know Friends love to support libraries! 

Join or Renew Online

Or print and mail our Membership Form with your check to:

WMLA, P.O. Box 460,  Easthampton MA 01027

WMLA is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Organization.