The Officers and Board Members for 2023-2024 are:
- President: Nicole Daviau, Porter Memorial Library (Blandford)
- Vice President: Abigail Baines, Erving Public Library
- Past-President: Misha Storm, Dickinson Memorial Library (Northfield)
- Treasurer: Katya Schapiro, Easthampton Public Library
- Secretary: Wendy Pearson, Stockbridge Library
Members at Large:
- Mary Biddle, student seat
- Beverly Bullock, Meekins Library (Williamsburg)
- Deena Caswell, Bushnell-Sage Library (Sheffield)
- Lisa Downing, Forbes Library (Northampton)
- Mike Moran, Retired from Bay Path University
- Katya Schapiro, Emily Williston Memorial Library (Easthampton)
- Sharon Sharry, Jones Library (Amherst)
- Barbara Wurtzel, Retired from STCC