Save the Date! WMLA's Annual Meeting is Friday, October 18 at Erving Public Library. We would love to see you there. Keep an eye out for registration information and a full invitation soon.
Nominate your favorite librarian!
I Love My Librarian Award: Your Questions Answered!
Have questions about the I Love My Librarian Award? We have answers! Check out some of the most common ones here.
Shutesbury’s groundbreaking ceremony is approaching! Congratulations, Shutesbury! 🎉Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the ceremony to celebrate the groundbreaking for the new Shutesbury Public Library! Friday, August 2nd, 10 am, 66 Leverett Road, Shutesbury.Please arrive early and park at the Fire Station. Parking will also be available at the Highway Department.
Libraries are more than just books! Libraries are a place of community and lifelong learning and have evolved to include Library Things collections, places for patrons to go for technology assistance and information literacy, and so much more. Ask your local librarian about what makes their library unique and you'll be surprised at what you learn! Although this article is Eastern-MA focused, there are many treasures to be found in Western MA. The Westfield Athenaeum and the Southwick Public Library offer Seed Libraries and many Western MA libraries have welcomed Library of Things items into their collections which range from power washers to Kindle ereaders to cooking appliances- and this is just scratching the surface!
In addition to book collections, these libraries offer public kitchens, outdoor equipment, household tools, nature trails, and more
Save the Date! WMLA's Annual Meeting is Friday, October 18 at Erving Public Library. We would love to see you there. Keep an eye out for registration information and a full invitation soon.
Nominate your favorite librarian!
I Love My Librarian Award: Your Questions Answered!
Have questions about the I Love My Librarian Award? We have answers! Check out some of the most common ones here.
Shutesbury’s groundbreaking ceremony is approaching! Congratulations, Shutesbury! 🎉Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend the ceremony to celebrate the groundbreaking for the new Shutesbury Public Library! Friday, August 2nd, 10 am, 66 Leverett Road, Shutesbury.Please arrive early and park at the Fire Station. Parking will also be available at the Highway Department.
Libraries are more than just books! Libraries are a place of community and lifelong learning and have evolved to include Library Things collections, places for patrons to go for technology assistance and information literacy, and so much more. Ask your local librarian about what makes their library unique and you'll be surprised at what you learn! Although this article is Eastern-MA focused, there are many treasures to be found in Western MA. The Westfield Athenaeum and the Southwick Public Library offer Seed Libraries and many Western MA libraries have welcomed Library of Things items into their collections which range from power washers to Kindle ereaders to cooking appliances- and this is just scratching the surface!
In addition to book collections, these libraries offer public kitchens, outdoor equipment, household tools, nature trails, and more