Recent Events

Legislative Day

Register now to take the bus to the State House in Boston for Library Legislative Day on Tuesday, March 8th!

Click HERE for the form.

Remember, we need YOUR help to convince legislators to restore library funding. If we don’t tell them, no one else will! So sign up now and get on the bus — only $20.  Complete schedule and information on the registration form.

Intrepid Librarians at Legislative Day 2015

Bonus! Here is a “Guide for Newbies” put together by WMLA Board Member and Library Commissioner Jan Resnick.

Meeting with Senator Humason

A big THANKS to Senator Don Humason for spending time yesterday discussing library needs at the state and local level!

From left to right: Library Commissioner Mary Kronholm, WMLA Board Member John Ramsay, Westfield Athenaeum Director Dan Paquette, Sen. Humason, Emily Williston Memorial Library Director Nora Blake, MLA President Eric Poulin.

Thank you for attending the Book Buzz!!

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         book buzz edit Thank you to the leading regional publishers who appeared at this event… 

agawam 2October 15th  10 A.M. to 12 P.M. Agawam Public Library

Participants heard short talks and saw displays from:  Adams Media – University Press of New England – University of Massachusetts Press –  Storey Workman & Timber -PFP Publishing